Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Le curry

Co-op life means that you have to help out in the kitchen for 3 hours a week. This first week I was scheduled for only two hours today, before lunch. The menu consisted of vegetarian (right) and chicken curry (left).
I didn't do much. Chopped green and red peppers and then mixed it all in the big pans. It wasn't exactly mind blowing, but it wasn't devoid of fun.
Because I had classes already at 12, I skipped lunch which I replaced with two great sandwiches I prepared before leaving the kitchen. I also didn't like the prospect of eating curry with peppers, so I was content.

I attended the marketing class today. I am not enrolled on the course, but am happy that I am allowed to sit in on classes. Or audit, as they say over here. The class was good, the teacher is certainly great. But it was draining, six continues hours of marketing material I am already familiar with. But we had breaks and it is always good to listen to a new viewpoint by an experienced lecturer.
Tomorrow the morning is free. Or almost. There is some preparation to do for Problem Based Learning and Financing New Ventures.


  1. curry??? NOW WE'RE HAVING SOME FUN! ;-)

  2. Working in a CO-OP?!!! An MBA student in a Co-op? WHAT ARE YOU DOING ENGAGING IN SOCIALIST PRINCIPLES during the ultimate capitalist qualification, Fernando??? :-)

    Or maybe you're just 'balanced.' Ha.

  3. So when can I come and taste the curry that you make

  4. Hey, Chris. It is indeed a Co-op. And it is fun, being that way. But it was also the option with the best price/risk ratio...

    Kanuj, that curry is gone. And it was not my curry. I just stirred the big pots. But you can have a meal at the co-op any day, I just have to check the rate for guests...

