Thursday, 25 October 2007


Ok, a short coffee break blogging session today again. And I already started with lots of letters thrown seemingly meaninglessly together.

So yesterday we had the visit of yet another presenter from the Sykes Fairbank company, the same guys from team building and the Everest expedition. This time, we talked about the different personality types as studied by the MBTI technique, which I will not explain here, but rather give you a link to wikipedia.
We have done such an analysis in Mannheim already, but, to be honest, it was a very poor and superficial analysis compared to the exercise yesterday. Jonathan had also some pretty neat ideas in dividing the class into the two different sides for each indicator which showed the differences quite clearly, making them quite memmorable.
Thus, during the first part of the morning, we learned about the types and decided which characteristics we mostly tended towards. In the end we got a result from an online questionnary we had completed last week to reinforce what we had practiced during the session.
I must say that I was surprised by the reinforcement that my formal test gave to what I found out during class. And I am happy to tell you that I seem to be what they call an ENTP guy. Slightly different result from what I found out in class, ESTP, but quite in tune with the way I have come to think about myself in the last year. And the difference, to be quite honest, is not that big, since I felt in my self assessment that I was really quite in the middle between N and S.
The interesting thing on this results is that I was not supposed to be that kind of guy. I always believed that I was the typical engineering guy, liking logic, systems, wanting to know how things work, wanting to plan and act according to plans, being rational and reliable. But I have been watching in the last months that I am actually quite different from that. And I will explore this later, as class is starting again.


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