Thursday, 20 March 2008
And the people in Warwick are done with the first half of their MBA
And tonight they had a cool party at the Warwick Business School. All exams are over and the second term of MBA, with the last core subjects is also over.
From the Facebook updates I have been following, people have looked to this party with mixed feelings. They are happy for how far they have come and the feeling that exams are done is certainly very liberating. On the other hand, with the end of the core subjects, which everybody has to take, an important stage of the MBA reached its end. After these subjects, the whole cohort will maybe only get together again at the graduation party.
The A0.01 class room will no more be full with 80 plus FTMBA07 people again. It is kind of sad. This is a great group of people and it was a great group of people for me to start my MBA. I found good friends, open minds and, more important, open hearts. A very diverse mix: different ages, different countries, different professional experiences. But it was the group I started with and it is the group I would be with now if I could.
Anyway, I am now at the Business School in Kingston, Ontario, several thousand kilometers away, with another great group of people, watching a video after a good week of classes, relaxing deservedly. My first half of the MBA is also soon over. 10 more days and one exam. Then I will pack everything up and fly over to Germany. And the big job search will start seriously.
In Mannheim there will be yet a third group of great people assembled. I am really looking forward to meet the guys and girls I met for one brief week in Semptember 2007, an eternity or two ago. This will surely be great! And, to top it up, we will have weekly reinforcements from all over the place: the students who have been our hosts will come to stay at our home this time. Man, will that be fun!!
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