Monday, 24 March 2008

Niagara Falls in the winter

Eleven days ago I went with 3 other colleagues to Niagara Falls and, later, Toronto, with even more people.
It was worthwhile. I was a bit skeptical, some people had told me that the town was horribly touristy (and it was) and I am usually not that impressed with the major tourists sites, so I was not sure if I was going to enjoy the sights or not.
Luckily, we arrived at the river close to the American Rapids, which are nice falls, but not that impressive at all. Very disappointing. But this disappointment made the view of the Horseshoe, the main attraction, that much more interesting.
I am certain that the falls at winter were more interesting for me than they would have been in the summer, and, because it is not the main season, the town is not too busy and everything is certainly easier around there. The only tourists around are odd people like us or 19 and 20 year old Americans who take advantage in the difference of the legal drinking age.
Yes, the town is extremely touristy. Take a look at the Frankenstein Burger King or any of the many "scary" or "haunted" attractions. I don't know why they have all congregated there, but it is really funny. So, in the end, the fact of it being touristy to extremes is not that bad, just adds a bit more of zest to the experience.
We didn't get to do the traditional boat excursion, for obvious reasons. Below, some pictures and videos on Picasa.
080313-14 Niagara Falls


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