Monday, 16 June 2008

Plans for tomorrow: meeting angels

There is a kind of an institute in Stuttgart aimed towards start-up companies which has a series of interesting events for those who want to learn a bit more about the venture capital industry in Germany.

I am going tomorrow to the following event, if everything works out:

bwcon: Business Roundtable „Was macht ein Business Angel? – Unterstützungsansätze für Technologieunternehmen am Beispiel der FUZZY! Informatik AG“

I have this week free, as I am not taking the EC Law course at Mannheim Business School and the activity tomorrow is part of my job search. I hope to learn some and meet interesting professionals, let's see how it goes. But all this has costs:
  • I will not be able to attend to the company presentation of Deutsche Börse AG at MBS and
  • I will invest almost €100,00 in the event, which, at the moment, is a considerable sum for a student with a bank loan like me
But it should be worth it. No pain, no gain.


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